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Wax&Shine cloth
SIP-HS-G18 Silicone Foam
Flatwork ironer felt
Blue Foam
Shoes washing silicone foam
NO.40 PTFE-Coated Glass Fabric(KK25)
NO.39 PTFE-Coated Glass Fabric(BK25)
NO.19 Fabric Cover without Stretch (Dark Green)
NO.20 Aramid Fabric Cover(lvory)
NO.20-2 Aramid Fabric Cover (lvory)
NO.21 Fabric Cover with Stretch (Turquoise)
NO.22 Fabric Cover with Stretch (Sky Blue)
NO.41 Multi-stretch Fabric Cover (White)
NO.21 Plain Copper Mesh(40m/s)
NO.22 Twill Copper Mesh (40m/s)